Climate change a boon for Bangalore’s flower industry

Published on February 28, 2019 by

Lower weather temperature has increased the production and sales of several flowers like roses,

Bangalore’s weather dipped to as low as nine degrees Celsius, which has been a favourable
temperature for many flower cultivations.

According to the Horticulture Department there has been a 7% increase in flower
production with an increase in the quality of flowers produced.

Mr. Parshumurthy, Additional Director of Department of Horticulture, said, “Bangalore
usually doesn’t have such a cold weather, so it has been profitable for the flower producers
in some ways. Due to the tropical weather, not many flowers survive while cultivation but
this year the open cultivators have seen an increase in production”.

K. R Market, one the biggest flower markets in India, has also seen an increase in sales this

Shammam Ahmed, a florist at K. R Market, said, “As compared to last year there is an
increase in the flower business. There’s more demand for roses and other winter flowers.
More production has been helpful for this”.

As compared to last year, the winter season has prolonged and the temperature has
dropped in the last few days.

Dr Geeta Agnihotri, Director In-charge of the Meteorological Centre, Bangalore, said, “It has
been quite cold during this year and the number of foggy days has increased. We’ve been
experiencing severe cold from 31 st December. The normal temperature for Bangalore in the
month of January is 16 degrees. This year, the temperature has dropped by 4-5 degrees”.

The weather condition of Bangalore seemed to be too cold for some this winter. But a
positive side to it has been the boon in flower production.


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