Toxic Air make Lungs of HSR Layout People Goes for a Toss

Published on March 21, 2019 by

Air Pollution caused by burning of Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) in Karnataka Development Compost Corporation (KCDC) plant in HSR layout Sector 2 is causing respiratory diseases like asthma, bronchitis to the local people.

Residents of HSR Sector 2 are complaining about the poor air quality in their region due to emission of toxic gases by burning of Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) by Karnataka Development Compost Corporation (KCDC) plant, causing respiratory diseases like asthma, bronchitis to them.

“It has become so difficult for us to live here. This plant produces many toxic gases causing respiratory diseases to us. I am 71 now and suffering from bronchitis because of it. Doctor has advised me to leave this place as early as possible if I want to stay alive for a longer time. You can smell a lot of stench in the evening, which is unbearable. We cannot walk with our grandchildren in the park because of this pollution and stench.We are also advised by doctors to wear masks when we come out of our home every time to save our life.” Ramesh Gupta, a local resident of HSR Layout told The City Cast.

The RDF produced by this compost plants is used as a fuel for boilers in various industries like Sugarcane industry. Doctors of the area have also told that they have seen more number of respiration-related disease patients coming to them for treatment in recent past.

“The maximum number of patients that come to us are of respiration related diseases like asthma, bronchitis. Emphysema etc. The air quality of the area is degrading due to high percentage of toxic gases in it. RDF collected in the nearby plant consists of combustible components of wastes like non-recyclable plastics, paper cardboard etc. ,which, when put on fire produces toxic gases like carbon monoxide, Sulphur dioxide that increases the air pollution already caused by vehicles and other sources.We advise them to put masks every time they come out of their home to avoid any damage to their body.” Dr. Kalyan Shetty, a local doctor of a nearby Private clinic told City Cast.

KameshRastogi, member of Kudlu, Hosapalya, HSR Layout, SomasundaraPalya, Parangipalya (KHHSP) Residents Welfare Association (RWA) told City Cast,  “We have made several complaints in the past but no action was taken by BBMP. At last, we filed a case in Karnataka High Court last November, who gave BBMP an order on 12th Feb to clear waste material in next six weeks. But the authorities have not taken any action for that till now and we have also been barred to enter in the plant to check if work is being done.”

However, Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) officials have denied all allegations and are claiming to abide all rules and regulations. They say that only a few people have problems with its operation.

“We had hired a Soild Waste Management consultant in 2017 to fix the issues and made several changes as suggested by them. People were happy with that. But they started complaining again in 2018.

Also, the major problem is piling up of RDF. We try to send all available RDF on priority but sometimes, it gets delayed as companies do not want this fuel immediately. So we store it for some time and then send it to the companies later.” Mr. Sarfraz Khan, Joint Commissioner, Solid Waste Management, BBMP said.

However, Experts say that permanent closure of plant demanded by the local people is not the ultimate solution to the problem.

“These kind of compost plants have many issues across the city but their closure is not the permanent solution for it.Instead, by considering convenience of local people, BBMP should invest some more money in these plants to improve their functionality by bringing some advance technologies used by other major cities.”

As soon as the six weeks’ time given to KCDC by Karnataka High Court is heading soon, people of HSR Sector 2 are hoping for a better life after the stipulated time.


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