Rising chicken prices leave the consumption untouched

Published on April 12, 2019 by

Summer heat hampered  chicken production by 30 per cent in Bengaluru. Chicken prices have gone up by 65 per cent in last two months.

“Prices have gone from Rs 70 to Rs 110 in last few weeks. Lot of chickens dying due to heat and lack of water affects the production. But the sales are not affected much,” said Venkata Giriyappa, chicken shop vendor.

Bangalore consumes 30 per cent of the meat produced in the state. Bangalore consumes an average 5825 tonnes poultry meat in a year, says a DNA report.

“Cost of production is more in summer. We have to spend extra on medicines and to keep the temperature under control,” said Kalarla Bhaskar, chicken supplier and producer.

Increase in prices of poultry meat affected the business of non-vegetarian food vendors. They said that people consuming chicken has gone down after summer started.

“People eat less chicken because of heat. We have fewer customers now because of increase in chicken prices,” said Rajendra, non-vegetarian food vendor.


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