How many left to help us fight stress?

Published on January 21, 2020 by

People suffering from mental health problems find it difficult to get professional

India’s total mental health workforce is 7,000 while the requirement is 54,750
according to the latest NCRB data.

Ms. Ankita Sharma, a psychologist said, “People who need a psychologist or a
counselor are the people who do not get anyone to talk about their feeling or what
they’ve been going through throughout the day. People work in highly stressful
environments and they need to vent thus they need a psychologist.”

WHO also predicted that by 2020, approximately 20 percent of India will suffer
from mental illness.
Navneeth Nagesh, a patient, said, “We cannot afford private consultation for
mental health issues because it is extremely expensive. Hence, at times, you have got
no choice but to go for consultation in government hospitals. However, the waiting
time is longer due to shortage of staff, in such situations – we don't have anywhere
to go.”
Associate Professor & Psychologist, Dr. Nitin Anand said, “the primary reason
behind this is the lack of training and psychologists moving out of the country.”
Experts say that training more people in M.Phil for Psychology for counseling
purposes can be a solution.

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