Be a part of fair elections now

Published on March 21, 2019 by

Over the last two weeks, 499 complaints were received on the c-VIGIL app and 90 of them were genuine and necessary actions were taken against the complaints.

“Most of the cases are about illegal liquor transport, bribery or transport of cash. We are taking all the necessary and possible steps to ensure fair conduct of the elections. Like how the c-VIGIL app was a success in 2018 Karnataka elections, this time also we expect the same.” said the official at the State Election Commission.

The c-VIGIL is an android application on which citizens can upload pictures and videos of any misconduct of the elections. This app was first used as a trial during the Karnataka State Assembly Elections of 2018 and the response from the citizens was positive.

Every complaint that is lodged on this application is anonymous in nature. Election commission gets notified immediately.  After this, the EC sends an alarm to the nearest police station of the area from which the complaint video or photograph was uploaded. The app recognizes the GPS address from which the uploaded image or video. However, the citizens are supposed to put up the proof image or video within 10 minutes of the crime being committed.

Kruthika Ramesh, 25 years old citizen said, “This is a really good initiative by the election commission. The plus point is that it allows us, as citizens to be responsible for the fair conduct of the elections. Someone I know had raised a complaint against bribery for campaigns during the assembly elections, the issue was immediately addressed by the police after a complaint was put on the app.”

Inspector at the Malleshwaram election check post said, “We are informed to always be ready to move. During the state elections also we received a few alarms, we caught a few criminals and very few got away from us. The police department along with the SEC is working all day and night to ensure fair conduct of the elections.”

During the 2018 Karnataka State Legislative Elections, 1200 complaints were raised via c-VIGIL app and 700 of them were marked genuine. The Election Commission along with the Karnataka State Police Department had taken necessary actions against the people involved in those 700 cases.


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