Rise in bus fare put brakes on holiday plans

Published on October 5, 2019 by


Rise in bus fare put brakes on holiday plans

Private bus fares have increased during weekends and festive seasons put passengers in trouble in making their holiday plans.

Bangalore, 1st October 2019, 06.30 PM

Bangalore: On weekends and festive seasons private bus operators have hiked ticket prices around 40 to 50 per cent, despite warning from the Transport Department. It causes an inconvenience to passengers travelling back home for the festive season. Passengers have to pay more money, which hampers their budget, this affects people with low income adversely.

One of the passenger Muhammed Niyasuddeen says that “I used to travel from Bangalore to Coimbatore every week. Bus ticket price is always increasing and for me, it is always difficult to afford the price of the ticket. Compared to the normal price, the prices on Friday, Saturday and Sunday are more. Most of the times I’m facing difficulty in going on weekends and festival seasons.”

Abdul Rahman, booking counter operator of a private transport company says” the price in south India is more than 500 during weekends and festive seasons. For Dussehra, mostly non-AC is 700 rupees and it is already fixed and the maximum price is 7000 rupees.”

Transport official SN Rajanna says “according to motor vehicle act of 1988, the government has the power to fix the upper limit of fares charged by private bus.” Private bus owners say that the increase in bus fare during weekends and the festive season is to make a profit.

Students and IT employees say that they find it difficult to afford the tickets on weekends and festive season. The Transport Commissioner states that private bus companies have been instructed not to increase bus fares during the weekends and festive season. They will be penalized if they do not follow these instructions.

Transport Expert MN Sreehari says “now Bangalore has 30 to 35 per cent outsiders. For that reason generally, people will go on their vacation, holidays and weekends to their home town. In private buses depend upon the demand is more the charge is also more. For 600 rupees ticket, they are selling it for 1300 rupees at all for the major concern.”

Despite the penalties, private bus owners continue to increase bus fares.



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