Students who lived at PGs at a loss

Published on November 12, 2020 by

Many students rushed back home during the pandemic leaving behind their books and important belongings at the Paying Guests facility without which they are unable to study for their approaching exams.

Ahmedabad: The people living in Paying Guest facilities in Ahmedabad went back home during lockdown. As not much transportation was available, people left their belongings behind. Most of them were students and they left behind their books, study materials, certificates, and mark-sheets among other things.

The owner of the paying guest facility is demanding the full rent of the lockdown period which not everyone can pay. Varun Maheshwari, one of the students who left his belongings behind said, “My family’s business is down and our overall financial situation is at low and now the owner is asking for rent for the lockdown period. It is not possible for us to pay this huge amount at once.” Another student Sahil Rawther said, “My family’s financial condition has taken a toll during the pandemic.”

Now that the schools and colleges have started, the students need their study material for online classes and exams. Varun Maheshwari said, “My mark sheets, books are left behind at PG because of which I am unable to study for my class and as exams are approaching I feel helpless.” The owner is demanding rent of the lockdown period in order to take their belongings back. Sahil Rawther said, “My study materials are left behind due to which I can’t study for class and exam and the owner is not allowing me to get my belongings back until I pay the rent he demands.”

The PG owner, Sameer Kakkad, says that, “My main income source is rent and all my expenses are dependent on it. And since the pandemic, my business has gone lower and lower.” The property on which the owner runs his PG business is a rented property. Sameer Kakkad, “To survive throughout the lockdown period, I had to cut my manager’s salary.” Now in order to survive, he is demanding rent from the people whose belongings are stuck at the PG.

“These issues occurred as there are no regulators or authorities over PG facilities in Gujarat and also there are no specified laws for such circumstances,” said Jignesh Patel, a senior estate advocate at Bar Council of Gujarat. In order to solve these issues parents say that both the parties have to talk and come to an understanding.

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