Acute Water Shortage Hits Manvi, Raichur

Published on April 12, 2019 by

Resident of Manvi said they do not get sufficient water to even do the basic
household chores or even to drink water because of water shortage due to
summer heat.

Faizal Sagri, a resident, said, “Now that the summer season is nearing the water
shortage in the taluk is increasing every day. We have to go at least 10 kms to
even get us water to drink. Now a days, we get water only once in five days and in
spite of paying water tax to the department they are not finding new ways to give
water to the households.”

Recently, Manvi was declared as a drought prone area by the government and the
last time they received rainfall was back in September 2017.
Suresh S., a resident, said, “It’s very difficult to survive without water and we get
water only for two hours in the day time and two hours in the evening that too
after five days. There are long queues and you can fill only a limited amount in
your containers.”

The water department is trying to supply as much as they can but Naresh Kumar,
Water Department head, Manvi said, “The wells are drying up, the underground
water which could be extracted from a depth of 100 to 150 feet deep, now we
have to dig about 250 feet deeper but its full of fluoride which makes it unfit for
human consumption.”

Akshay Heblikar, an environmentalist, said, “Raichur has been covered under a
draught prone area lately and there’s a lot of water shortage there. Water
shortage is affecting it drastically and they should start conserving water, very bit
they get. Even if there’s not enough rainfall, water should be used judiciously and
water harvesting should be their priority.”

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