Alt+Dialysis: Researches under process

Published on March 14, 2019 by

On World Kidney Day, a new research on tissue engineering offers an alternative to patients on dialysis. A variable kidney will be implanted that will pump blood continuously helping the patients. The research is being done by nephrologists at Ramiah Medical College, Bengaluru.

Dr. Gurudev, Senior Professor of Ramaiah Medical College said “Now, we are working on variable kidney that can be implanted in the body that can purify the blood continuously. Cells will be grown around the kidney membrane and the kidney will function normally.

Doctors say once the research is successful it will be used as an alternative to dialysis for patients. The variable kidney implanted in the body will help purify blood continuously unlike 3 hour treatment with a dialysis machine. Patients need not carry an external dialysis machine. In India around 2.8 lakh kidney dialysis patients are diagnosed every year.

Dr. Santosh.S, nephrologist, Raja Rajeswari Medical Hospital said, ‘We are seeing more than 300 to 400 new patients per month. We see a lot of patients for kidney dialysis through diabetes. Diabetic Nephropathy is mainly seen these days. We do get a lot of female kidney patients. In the past two years the government came with an initiative saying that every district hospital must have a fully functioning dialysis unit.’

Dr. Manohar Manns, Assistant Professor Ramaiah Medical College said “The cost for dialysis is Rs 20,000 to Rs 25,000 per month. The patients who undergo the treatment have insurances and few are self-financed.”

Doctors suggest preventive measures like regular kidney checkup, sugar level checkup monitoring blood pressure, avoiding overdosing of pain killers and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.






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