Bashar al-Assad makes a comeback

Published on June 1, 2021 by

Bashar al-Assad wins by a vote share of 95.1% said country’s parliament speaker 

Bashar al-Assad won the Presidential election for the fourth time on Thursday. Translated by DW the Syrian government’s official tweeted, “The Syrians had their say. Bashar Assad wins the presidential election of the Syrian Arab Republic after obtaining 95.1% of the votes inside and outside Syria.”

The elections followed criticism from the US and EU who questioned the legitimacy of the elections in an article and complained that the elections were held without any international monitoring. 

‘There is no democracy in the Middle-East’, said Dakshin Murthy who is a Political and International analyst. He said that elections in Syria are just a farce to keep the dictatorship going. An article by the Hindustan Times also reported that voting did not take place in a lot of areas that are controlled by rebel forces.

While opposition comes in from all ends, a majority of people from Iran and Syria support the re-elected President, mentioned Qummi Raza who lives in Tehran, Iran and works for the government news translation agency. He said that other countries might object to the results, but everyone knew who would take over the leadership. 

Iran has been an ally of the Syrian government for years as the article of United States mentioned. 

Coming to the Syrians who came on streets to show their support for Bashar Assad as his win was announced. SANA uploaded footage of a large crowd gathered on Syrian streets, celebrating and waving Syrian flag.

Riad Abbas, Syrian ambassador to India expressed his joy for the majority win of Bashar Assad and said, “We do not care what the West thinks and says. We are a democracy and we support our President”. He firmly stated that his country would not let Israel or the West take away their cultural veil. 

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