Children breath easy: asthma episodes drop

Published on April 6, 2021 by

Children suffering from asthma should maintain social distance and wear a mask as a measure of protection after Covid.

Bengaluru – There has been a decrease in the number of asthma episodes among children in Bangalore. The patients who used to visit the child asthma clinics have decreased by 60 to 70 percent. Robin Roy, whose child is suffering from Asthma says, “As  my child is not going outside the house regularly and also the regular use of masks has resulted in a decrease in his asthma episodes.”

According to pulmonologists , viral infections are the most common trigger for asthma attacks in children. The reduced exposure of these viral infections has led to a decrease in asthma attacks. The Asthma Society of India report says, at present 25 percent of the population suffers from allergies in our country. five percent of them are suffering from asthma and even in developed countries like the USA there is a 10 percent increase in Asthma patients every year.

pulmonologist , Dr Bala Chandra said, “Not only asthma but in total the viral infections have decreased by 60 to 70 percent,  it has reflected in the form of decrease in asthma attacks. Though some viral infections are still there, wearing a mask reduces the transmission. Even though they are coming in contact with some groups or some children along with pollution, if they wear a mask it does help them with their asthma attacks.”

The children suffering from asthma should  maintain social distance and wear masks as a measure of protection after Covid said, Bangalore health center.

BM barary, official at Bangalore health center says, “We don’t know if the episodes would increase after the pandemic or not but the kids suffering from this should be made aware of wearing masks and maintain social distancing even after the pandemic gets over.”

While the children are waiting for the schools to reopen, there is a high risk of the increase in asthmatic episodes and viral infections among them at that time.

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