Rural people struggle: nearest vaccination Centers occupied

Published on May 25, 2021 by

People in rural areas are unable to book slots online, giving way to people living in urban areas.
Kullu: People in the rural areas of Kullu are struggling to book vaccination slots. At present the district has 14 Centers, with 100 slots available per day in each center. But according to a PHC in Bajaura, more than 80 percent of people who come to get vaccinated are not the residents of the area.
According to Umesh Sharma, a resident of Puid, “I tried to book the slot at the time when it opened, but to my dismay wasn’t able to book one. The local people are suffering, but people from the urban areas are getting vaccinated over here.”
Rural people also struggle with network issues, and lack of knowledge to book the slots.
According to the Pradhan of Puid, Uttam Sharma, “People from the age of 18 to 44 are having a problem, in booking the slots. It is a huge issue and I think there should be a proper system to it. People who live here should be able to get themselves vaccinated here. “
Due to a shortage in the number of vaccines in the state, the government of Himachal has allocated two days in a week, for the population of 18 to 44 to get themselves vaccinated. Meanwhile, the administration officer said, that people should book the slots early, to get themselves vaccinated.
According to a Block Medical Officer, Dr Ranjeet Sharma ”It is nothing like that, if the people will book the slots late, how will they get themselves vaccinated?”
While there are only 65,000 vaccines available for the population of 18 to 44, who already are 32 lakhs in number, in the state. The struggle of rural people to book the slots is not going to end soon.

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