Teachers burdened with extra classes

Published on April 8, 2019 by

Teachers in Duggavati government school, Harapanahalli taluk, are burdened because of shortage of teachers.

Currently, the school has seven teachers, and is in short of four teachers.

Padma K, head mistress of the school says, “We have only seven teachers now. We are in shortage of four teachers from the past three years. We wrote to the education department about the shortage, but no one has been appointed yet.” She added that other teachers have to rake extra classes because of the vacancies.

The school now needs two teachers for Kannada, and two of science and math respectively. Ramesh Kumar, science teacher in the school says, “The strength of the school has increased in the past years. Because of lack of one science teacher, I take extra classes and it is burdening.” He added that the school is in desperate need for 7th standard and 8th standard science because it is difficult for him to manage many classes.

Children in the school say that sometimes teachers don’t take classes, because there are shortage of teachers, and they become lazy and skip a few classes.

Rajappa, block education officer in Harapanahalli says, “There are a few government schools in our taluk that lacks school teachers. We have approached the state education department to appoint a few teachers. By the end of April we will try and fill the vacancies.” He also said that he has not received many complaints from these schools even though there is a shortage of teachers.

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