Tik-Tok Addiction danger to life

Published on November 18, 2019 by

The addiction of making tik-tok videos has ended-up being danger to life across the city.

The tik-tok stunts performed for publicity is taking several lives. The trend of making tik-tok videos has become a daily routine for users.

The makers of these videos not only risk their lives but end-up getting serious injuries.

City reported 10 cases of death while making tik-tok videos, in the last 7-8 months.

The police planned to regulate but also said it’s the responsibility of society to criticize stunts that endanger lives.

Assistant Commissioner of Police, South End Circle, Ramesh KN said, “People make tik-tok videos on roads while opening their car doors and this leads to accidents. Many others make it for fun near danger zones.”

Tik-Tok has one hundred twenty million active users in India who end up using the app for eight to ten hours a day.

“There is the daily routine of tik-tok users, I watch videos daily but I make it once or twice in a week, basically it provides popularity and lots of likes on stunt videos. Last week while doing tik-tok my friend broke his hand, but that video got a lot of comments. ” Yashas Gowda, B.Com second-year student said.

The fan base of Tik-Tok went against the High Court order which imposed the ban on the mentioned app in Oct 2014.

Psychologist, S. Sharmila said, “People are getting prone to this likes and comments and also get depression related issues. They always try to seek attention through it, if as whole society works on it, the accidents happening can be avoided to an extent.”

As sociologists say nothing is pure evil in its form. It depends on the use. Tik-tok also provides a platform for the talented and is a mode of entertainment but ‘ADDICTION AND EXCESS OF EVERYTHING IS BAD’

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