City witnesses rise in the cases of Domestic violence

Published on September 28, 2019 by

The number of cases of domestic violence has gone up in the city the last two years; most of the pending cases are to do with the payment of maintenance and compensation.

In the past 6 months there are more than 90 cases of domestic violence reported in the magistrate court there is an increase in the number as compared to last year that is 63 cases in the court for the same charge. As per the norms of state under the violence against women these cases must be heard within 6 months.

A victim of the violence stated, “I got married in the year 2014, after a year I was physically and mentally harassed by my in-laws and husband, he used to drink and beat me. After 3 years I filed a case against them under domestic violence and ground of cruelty, the case is still going on. I live separate with my child”

Under domestic violence it takes 3-4 months or long for the compensation to get released when a case is reported in the court by the victim for the compensation and maintenance.

Domestic violence Act 2005 is the law enacted in order to preserve the rights and protect women against any sexual or mental abuse, assault or harassment.

Bhaskaran D, the CEO of Vidyaranya, an NGO, said, “The cases are increased since last year it is very alarming as we come across 2-3 calls daily; it is not specific as one reason but several others like social background, early marriage and the option of compensation. There are certain jurisdiction norms to solve critical cases under it within 3 months of the span.”

Vanitha Sahaya Vani, a government organization, says more women know their rights and are coming forward to complain against violence.The head counsellor said, “We come across with different kinds of violence against married women; it is sometimes because of early marriage, dowry, nuclear family, the psychology of men and extramarital affairs. We try to solve most of the cases here itself but the punishable ones take longer time.”

As per the Karnataka state commission for women, there are 132 cases pending in the court and 98 pending with them waiting for the report and rest other to receive the court verdict as to its takes more than a year.

The civil law professor, Deepti Ayathan said, “Domestic violence cases are critical ones and because of a longer procedure of court the victim has to wait for justice, these cases must be dealt at fast track courts and provided with the better jurisdictional norm.”

There are several cases pending in the courts while the victims wait for justice.


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