Innovative Minds in Bangalore

Published on November 18, 2019 by

Indian Institute of Science organised Youth Kalam Science Fest 2019-2020. More than 20 government schools from Chennai, Coimbatore and Hyderabad participated in the science fest. It was done mainly to encourage the government school students and give a push to the young innovative minds. “It is such a great platform for us to show our talents. Technology is very important. There is a lot of improvement in our technology. As a student, technology is needed but it should not affect the society. Whatever models we make should be eco-friendly”, said Devadarshini, student from Chennai.

Refrigerators that do not emit CFC and water harvesting on the roads were some of the main attractions in the fest. Students were given two topics to create their models. One was renewable sustainable energy and the second was addressing water scarcity in the urban context. “Such kinds of events helps the students to analyze the problems and come up with a solution for it”, said Mr. Vijay.N, teacher of Government school, Chennai.  Last year the fest was conducted in Chennai and this year IISC in Bangalore hosted the fest.

The main aim of the event was to give exposure and experience to students of government schools.

“The science fest is based on kalam’s vision”, said Mr. Laxman Prasad Joshi, HCL Operation Director.  There were total of four prizes awarded to the students and the best model is taken up by IISC as their working model. A total of four prizes were bagged by the students, with IISC taking up the best model award for their working model.

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