Karnataka State Commission of Women want TikTok banned

Published on April 10, 2019 by

Mobile apps like Tik Tok have emerged as new methods of sexual harassment.

The number of cases of sexual harassment cases on women by mobile apps like Tik Tok in Karnataka has increased by 90 percent in last one year.

Audios and videos are being morphed and put on pornographic sites. Sexual comments have been found on videos posted by children.

Avinash Sarkar, a TikTok app user, said, “ Tik Tok is not safe now as it used to be earlier. There have been many instances where some of Tik Tok videos have been used on some pornographic and other kind of websites”.

The Karnataka State Commission of Women (KSCW) wants to put a ban on it.

Nagalakshmi Bai, the Chairperson of KSCW, said, “Many young women are being targeted through it. In our office 70-80% of the cases are regarding mobile apps like these. TikTok itself has become a pornographic site. We do not want it in our state. We have appealed to the court for complete ban on the app in Karnataka. If necessary we will appeal in the Supreme court as well”.

With these kinds of steps, women harassment may come down to some extent in Karnataka.


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