No classrooms and benches for students in schools of Duggawati taluk

Published on March 9, 2019 by

The students of primary school, Duggawati have been sitting on floors for more than a year now. Only one classroom in the entire school has benches. Mrs. Parvato A M said, “We only have benches for students of class 6th and 7th. Rest of the class children sit on the floors. We have a huge shortage of benches even in class 6th and 7th we don’t have enough benches.”

Less number of benches is not the only problem. The roof of the school has so many big holes and its walls are also very weak and old which might fall any day. The school doesn’t have enough classrooms. Mrs. Parvato further said “Roofs can fall down any day; we stopped using classes of old at building.  Whenever it use to rain water use to come inside and it’s dangerous. There is less number of classrooms. Students of two different standards sit in one classroom and sometimes we take classes on alternative days. We really need more classrooms and benches.”

The building of the school is 111 year old. It was built by the British in 1908. The building was renovated in 2003. They have written letters to the block education Office so many times. BEO office built two classrooms only last year in June which are not enough.

Channabek, Block education officer says “Yeah we know about the problems, government has built few classrooms. The building is very old, because of the rain the roofs and the building are in bad condition.  By end of this year we will either construct new building or will repair the old building and soon we are going to provide benches and all the other things.”

Suresh Kumar Arya, Professor, Education department says “Benches and classrooms are one of the first requirements at any school. The condition of government schools is not good in most of the rural areas. Government doesn’t give importance to problems of rural areas. In primary schools interest of students in studies develops and in such circumstances students will also not like going school and studying there.”


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